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Revised Regulations on the Deferred Call and Gradual Call of Reservists and Replacement Soldiers

      "Regulations on Deferred, Sequential, and Final Recall for Reservist and Servicemen of Supplementary Service" (hereinafter referred to as “the Regulation") was enacted and effective on June 2, 1999, and has been revised three times. The latest revision was on July 19, 2019, and took effect on January 1, 2020.

    To comply with the restructuring of the Ministry of National Defense (MND), the organizational revision of relevant authorities as well as committee, matters of certification issued by incumbent village (district) chief, and review of practical operations, the administration regulation has thus been revised. The key points are summarized as follows:
  • Based on common legislative terminology and rendition of comprehensive legal terminology, the title of this regulation is revised as the "Regulations on Deferred, Sequential, and Final Recall for Reservist and Servicemen of Supplementary Service."
  • To comply with the restructuring of MND, the original "Army Reserve Command" was re-structured under the “All-out Defense Mobilization Agency, MND." Then, both the title and text were revised as appropriate (points 3 and 8 of the revised regulation).
  • In accordance with provisions of various Items of Clause 1, Article 41 of the “Act of Military Service System” applicable contexts in fitting to the new Clause 1 and 6 for deferred recall are added, whereas Clause 4 of deferred recall is deleted. Applicants who apply should submit a certificate issued by the village (neighborhood) chief, while the text is revised (point 5 of the amended provision).
  • To clearly explain the measures of sequential recall and comply with relevant provisions as Clause 1, Article 29 of “The Enforcement Act of Act of the Military Service System”, the text has been revised (point 6 of the amended provision).
  • To clarify the processing procedures for the stipulated final recall applications in point 7, and comply with “The Enforcement Act of Act of the Military Service System” and the reorganization of relevant authorities, the text has been revised (point 7 of the amended provision).
  The regulations have been furnished of enactment modification on March 29, 2023, and published in the 58th issue of the Executive Yuan Gazette for the public to handle relevant applications in 2023.
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